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September 28, 2022

8 Ways to Safeguard Your Garden Against Thieves and Burglary

By: Darren / Guides

If you have a log cabin, it’s important to consider security and how to discourage any would be criminals.

Sadly, rural crime is on the rise. Since the beginning of 2018, more than £30 million worth of goods have been stolen from garden sheds and outbuildings across England and Wales. In this time, over 70,000 cases of garden shed theft have been reported (this is equivalent to 64 cases per day). In 2020, thefts from outbuildings accounted for a fifth (20%) of all burglary claims. Yet 67% of people admit their outbuildings are easily accessible from outside their property [1].

The police have issued many warnings about keeping sheds and garden buildings locked. There are a number of different security solutions on the market that range from simple padlock sets to more complicated alarms and security lights – many of which are relatively cost effective. Here are a few security points to help make your outbuilding more secure:

1 – Doors, Locks and Windows

Doors and windows are by far the weakest points when it comes to any log cabin build. It is important that external doors are secure and burglar-proofed with the latest and most advanced lock systems available. It is always safer to invest in Grade 1 or Grade 2 locks, especially on your exterior doors, as these lock types are resistant to prying, twisting, and lock-picking attempts. High-quality deadbolt locks are also your first line of defence against security threats.

2 – Positioning

An important consideration in the planning stages of a garden log cabin. It’s a good idea to ensure your log cabin is situated out of obvious sight from the main road, but not tucked away in a secluded section of your garden that may provide ample cover for thieves.

3 – Garden Lighting

Security lights are a great way to deter intruders, offering bright and far-reaching exterior light that illuminates your garden. Garden lights can also make it safer for you and your visitors to navigate.

Top tip: The most effective and cost-efficient garden light type that we recommend is motion-activated security lights. These will only come on at night when motion is detected.

4 – Alarm Systems

Log cabin alarms add a significant extra layer of security and come in different forms – modern kits are wireless, battery powered, remote controlled and are usually motion-activated. They will either emit a loud, siren sound, or send a silent signal to your phone via an app, when an intruder is sensed.

5 – CCTV

Security cameras are becoming a popular security choice due to falling prices and easy installation. CCTV works best when combined with security lighting for improved clarity at night. We recommend positioning cameras where they can be easily maintained, but not tampered with. You must also consider privacy laws when installing your system outside.

6 – Garden Security

Secure the boundaries of your property, particularly at the rear where it might be harder to see an intruder. Consider gravel paths, which make it hard for an intruder to approach quietly. Natural defences in the garden can also be used as a deterrent for would be burglars.

7 – Neighbours

It’s always a good idea to inform trustworthy neighbours when you’re away so that they can keep an eye on your home and garden. When growing up we had great neighbours and the ones who lived next door we always told, and they kept an eye on the place. If your neighbour has a couple of cars and you are taking yours away, you could ask them to park in your drive sometimes.

8 – Insurance

Ensure your outdoor belongings are included on your home insurance and that your policy supplies sufficient cover for their value.

These practical security tips and solutions for log cabins are the first line of defence against threats and intruders. For more information and recommendations on log cabin security, please contact us.

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